Endured a local bus from Shangri-la to Quiotou, (very basic village)
even the driver was smoking... We then walked a couple of hours up the
high trail of Tiger Leaping Gorge to the Naxi guest house, really lovely
family running it, and had a nice evening with some American &
Canadian travellers. Photo in front of corn was taken there. On the way
this old guy and his horse followed us the whole way. I kept stopping to
let him pass but he didn't want to pass. Finally I realized he was
waiting for us to get tired so he could hire us his horse!! He was out
of luck, he picked the wrong couple to follow. Next day we walked the 28
switch backs and finished the high trail, about 6 hours, nice views of
the gorge. The trail dropped down to the road and we stayed at the '
Across the bridge ' guest house, photo of gorge with mist and cloud was
taken out the window. There was a major slip on the road so no cars
could get through which made it really quiet for the few who walked the
high trail. Next morning we walked down to the middle rapid, track was
made by locals so quite an effort and not the average Chinese tourist
gets that far. Very impressive amount of water roaring past. Trevor had
to get the best view right in front of the wall of water, I am sure the
sign in Chinese said, "do not go out on slippery rocks when river is in
flood" but he wouldn't believe me! From there we climbed back up,
crossed the slip and got a ride to the first rapid. This is where all
the tourist buses stop, very busy but amazing, the platform goes out
over the water. 15 plus x huka falls. Also the first bend of the Yangtze
river. A great couple of days away from the crowds. Bus to Dali ancient
town next.
hi , me again, just finished looking at ya photos , wat a country , a big diff. in culture i presume . wat was that stuff drying on the road , looked like fihk , all ok here , nice dyt , txd tlyer again lastnite , no reply as yet. must be away skiing, brendan txd and sent photos from russia cheers